Thursday, September 9, 2010

T 9.7 Questionnaire Responses

1)  Name: Haley Jo Horton
     Phone: (214) 385 8546

2)  My major at the moment is Photography and I will graduate in the spring of 2014

3)  I chose photography as a course and as a major because it is my greatest passion in life. my camera is by my side at all times, even if its just my iPhone on some occassions. I adore the freedom of what Photography offers in artistic fields. I hope to learn more about what the major and field has to offer me as far as carrers and I want to perfect and learn to add more to my already present pohotographic eye.

4)  Future Plans (after graduation):
     5 years- settled with career, starting family, etc.
     3 years- possibly married? not sure...
     2 years- be settled into and working in my carrer
     1 year- beginning a career of my choosing
     6 months- own my own apartment or such with a job of somesort dealing with photography

5)  I'd have to say although plenty of famous artists influence me, the people closest to me and around me influence me most. friends, family, art instructors, fellow flickr photographers, etc.

6)  Typically news stations like CNN, Fox, NBC.


8)  Dallas Museum of Art, Fort Worth Modern Museum of Art.

9)  I took one class of photography in high school and took Ap Art for 2-D Design my junior year and recieved a 5 for a photography portfolio.

10)  The value of art for an artist, I think, is the use of expression and being able to represent emotions through something visual instead of a typical listing of words on paper or verbally.

11)  I think the value of art for the audience depends on the aduience itself. Different viewers of art will judge, make inferences, and contemplate seperate thoughts.

12)  it depends on the photographer but to me, photography is both. and i think it would be the same for many photographers. you cannot love something as a hobby without pursuing it further and vise versa.

13)  I have many passions.. Photography, Art, Music, Writing, etc.

14)  I am dethly afraid of burning... Yes....

15)  No.

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